Block Captains
Block Captains take the lead in assessing the damage and injuries of their block during a large scale crisis. They are a vital role in the Neighborhood Crisis Action Plan (NCAP).
Some blocks may have volunteers pre-assigned to the role of Bloc Captain that proactively prepare before an emergency by receiving training in first aid and triage, fostering connections with their neighbors, and equipping themselves with vital tools and information for potential emergencies. However, not all blocks may have a volunteer willing to do this preemptive work.
In the case of an emergency, THE FIRST PERSON to arrive at their block's assembly point assumes the role of Block Captain until their pre-assigned Block Captain (should their block have one), or someone with more experience arrives to take over the role.
Post Disaster Assessment Overview
Touch Base
Establish Communication with the Neighborhood Coordination Center located at the Elk Mountain Clubhouse.
Personnel Organization
You will need at least 4 people.
Assign 2 “runners” to quickly run the block assessing households for damage and injury. They should also direct people to the assembly point. Once they have their reports, they will return to you with the information they found. If there are any serious injuries or people hindered from exiting their homes safely these need to be reported to the Neighborhood Coordination Center (NCC) immediately. (see the “runners’” assessment sheets in the back)
Assign 2 Scribes. Their responsibility is to help check people in at the assembly point and assess injuries to ensure that you are always available to communicate with the Neighborhood Coordination Center (NCC). They will also hand out the Home Assessment Form to each household at the assembly point.
Grab your Block Captain Emergency Kit​. This should include documents with information about the block, assessment forms, communication device, first aid kit, flashlight, assembly point signage and orange/yellow vest.
Obtain Information
Your runners and scribes will help you collect information and make a summarized report of all injuries, hazards, damage and people unaccounted for to report to the Neighborhood Coordination Center (NCC).
Get to your block assembly point, set up signage so people can easily see where to go to check in.
Tell Command
After receiving information from the runners and scribes, convey your conclusive findings to the Neighborhood Coordination Center (NCC).
In cases of urgent priority issues, promptly report them to ensure that the Neighborhood Coordination Center (NCC) can dispatch medical assistance as needed.
If there are injured individuals who can safely travel to the Neighborhood Coordination Center (NCC) for treatment, ensure they are accompanied and properly checked out of your area and send them over. Additionally, inform the command of the number of people coming for medical attention to facilitate their care.
T- Touch Base; E- Equip; A – Assemble; P – Personnel Organization; O – Obtain Information; T – Tell Command
Would you like to make a difference in our community by volunteering to be a clock captain? Fill out the information below!